Follow theses

Each doctoral student benefits from a follow-up committee. 

The monitoring committee is composed of at least two people, one specialist in the field of the thesis (who may be chosen from outside AMU if necessary) and the other member of the laboratory. Neither of them must be involved in the doctoral student's research work and at least one of them must be outside the doctoral student's team. In the case of a CIFRE thesis, an industrialist can also be part of the committee. This committee is appointed by the doctoral school on the proposal of the thesis director(s) at the time of the first registration. 

This committee meets every year on its own initiative (preferably in spring) to ensure that the development of the thesis is satisfactory. The meeting is held at the initiative of the committee or at the request of the doctoral student. The thesis director(s) participate(s) in the meeting unless the doctoral student expressly requests otherwise. If one of the committee members is from outside AMU, the interview can be organized by Skype. Under no circumstances will the doctoral school cover the costs of these interviews. 

This is an interview during which the doctoral student gives a presentation on the progress of his/her thesis, the perspectives and any difficulties encountered (5-10 minutes). This presentation is followed by a discussion (5-10 mn) between the monitoring committee, the PhD student and his/her supervisor(s). At the end of this discussion, the monitoring committee will meet with the doctoral student without the presence of the supervisor(s). The role of the committee is to check that the thesis is going well, to give advice if necessary for the continuation of the thesis and possibly to identify any difficulties encountered, whether of a scientific, relational or personal nature. 

The interview results in a report fiche_suivi_de_these.odtfiche_suivi_de_these.pdf which must be sent to the doctoral student, the thesis director(s) and the doctoral school The doctoral student should be informed that his or her possible re-registration the following year is subject to the receipt of this document by the ED.

The doctoral student must file the follow-up form on his/her adum profile.

Any doctoral student may request a meeting with his/her monitoring committee and/or with the doctoral school administration at any time.